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    eCommerce // What's new in this release? 14th August 2020

    New DLL's are now available. Below you will find a list of new features, improvements and bug fixes that you can expect to see in this update.

    Citrus-Lime eCommerce Updates

    These changes are applied to each website individually when fixes are required.  They will be tested and signed off for use week commencing 17th August 2020


    • Improvements made to site performance 
    • Klarna code improvements
    • Removal of merchant tools, and components used only in merchant tools, resulting in vastly better site startup speed
    • Redundant code removed 

    Bug Fix

    • Klarna now hidden as a payment option when a Gift Voucher covers the full order value 

    Customer Rewards

    Work has begun to overhaul our Customer Rewards engine. Customer Rewards is an important tool for retailers both online and in store, and we are investing in keeping this product up to date.

    Cloud Merchant Tools is ready to go! This is replacing the existing Merchant Tools which we'll be decommissioning week commencing 17th of August.

    Find out how to access Cloud MT here. You can report any bugs, new features or improvements to existing features you'd like via our Cloud MT Canny board

    Cloud Merchant Tools Updates

    We are continuing to develop our own planned changes into Cloud Merchant Tools (Cloud MT), alongside working on feedback we are receiving from our clients.  These changes are made live for all customers on Friday, August 14th.


    • Prelaunch date will now default to 01/01/1970 when not selected
    • Key Dates now shown for an item in Merchant Tools (date activated & date modified)
    • "Orders Despatched Last 30 Days" removed from dashboard  
    • Further work to improvement robustness and speed of grids which would impact on performance of Cloud MT
    • Improvements to set up of Finance Options 

    Bug Fix 

    • A bug that would occasionally prevent editing Navigation options has been fixed
    • Email validation updated on the General Fields page to handle leading/trailing spaces 


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