Citrus-Lime Knowledge Base

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    How do I process an ecommerce order paid by Apple Pay?

    If you have an e-commerce site with Citrus-Lime and have opted to use our Apple Pay integration with First Data, then there are some things to note with regards to processing e-commerce orders in POS.

    Firstly, you MUST have an active Tender Type entitled Mobile Payment, set to the Type 'Cash', as below:

    E-commerce orders which have been paid for by Apple Pay will download to Cloud POS in the same way as orders paid by any other payment type.

    Processing an Apple Pay order is carried out in the same manner as any other e-commerce order.  Please see the Related Article for guidance on this, if required.

    When you tender an Apple Pay order, the Mobile Payment tender field will be pre-populated with the value of the transaction.

    Apple Pay payments are included in integrated e-commerce refunds; if you need to refund an order that was paid by Apple Pay, you will need to follow the standard procedure for processing a return (see the Related Article for guidance on this).

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