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    How do I troubleshoot my barcode scanner?

    If you are experiencing difficulties with your PS-50 Barcode Scanner you can refer to the guidance below.


    My scanner is adding a leading zero

    If your PS-50 scanner is adding a leading zero to the barcode, you can remove this by scanning the series of barcodes listed in the following PDF print out.

    To do so, simply download and print off this PDF and scan the highlighted barcodes in the same order that they are laid out in the PDF.

    PS50 Barcode Scanner - Remove Leading Zero.pdf

    Please ensure that you test the accuracy of your Barcode scanner following the reconfiguration process.

    My scanner isn't working with my Mac

    Depending on your Mac set up, it may be necessary to reconfigure your barcode scanner.
    To do so, simply download and print out the following configuration document.

    Download Barcode Scanner Configuration PDF

    With the scanner plugged in to a USB port on your Mac, scan the barcodes in the sequence laid out on the Configuration PDF print out.

    Make sure to test the accuracy of your Barcode Scanner following reconfiguration.

    I don't know what is wrong with my scanner

    Please use the following PDF to reset the unit to the factory default.

    To do so, simply download and print off this PDF and scan the series of barcodes in the same sequence that they are laid out in the PDF.

    PS50 Barcode Scanner - Reset to Factory Default.PDF

    Please ensure that you test the accuracy of your Barcode scanner following the reconfiguration process.


    If you are still experiencing difficulties with your barcode scanner after referring to the troubleshooting guides above, please contact the Support Team.

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