Occasionally you may find that although a product or group of products has been set up correctly to appear on your e-commerce site, it's not possible to find the Brand by using the brand filters on the site.
This can be caused if the Brand has the same name as another filter option, for example, season, colour, department, category, etc.
If you encounter an example of this on your e-commerce site, the first course of action would be to determine if the affected Brand might share the same name as another filter option that is active on your site.
An example from the cycle industry would be the Brand name 'Orange' and the colour 'orange'.
If you identify an issue, then you would need to alter the name of the most appropriate option. Using our example from above, the issue can be fixed by changing the Brand name to 'Orange Bikes', which you would do by editing the Brand name in Cloud POS. Any items with that Brand assigned will then update with the new Brand name, and should therefore appear in the brand filters on the e-commerce site once the site caches have been cleared and the site restarted.