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    Customer Rewards // How do I see who has used a promotion?

    If you have created promotions within your Customer Rewards scheme, then it's logical that you'll want to see how effective these promotions have been.

    You can do this from your Customer Rewards Store Interface:

    Once logged in, select the Promotions option from the main menu, then Promotions Usage.

    You'll now see a list of promotions in chronological order of use, with the most recently-used promotion at the top.  As a customer takes advantage of a promotion, it will appear at the top of the list.  The next customer to use a promotion will then take their place at the top of the list, and so on.

    If you are running a single promotion at a time, then you're likely to see several instances of that promotion being used.  However, if you have a number of promotions running concurrently, then the list may display a selection of different promotions, depending on which have been used most recently.

    You can use the filters at the top of each column to drill down to the information you need to see.  The Manage View button allows you to select which columns are in view, and re-order the columns to suit your requirements:

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