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    Creating a Cloud POS API key for Specialized S-Connect 2.0

    Specialized S-Connect 2.0 and Cloud POS work together to securely transfer data via the Cloud POS API. To set up your integration, you'll need to create an API key and provide it to Specialized. 

    Please Note: Specialized will need to invite you to use S-Connect 2.0 and provide you access before you follow these steps. 

    Obtaining your API key

    In order to obtain an API key, you will need to contact the Citrus-Lime Support Team via phone or Live Chat.

    They will generate an API key for you to use and input this into the Back Office.

    Once this has been generated you can copy the API key from the Back Office to provide this to Specialized via the S-Connect 2.0 portal. 

    To locate the API key in the Back Office, navigate to the Main Menu, go to Setup, then Configuration.

    From the General tab, scroll to the section titled External Access To The Cloud POS API.

    You will see that the Support Team has added a line to this table which is labelled 'Specialized S-Connect'.


    Important Note on API Key Usage

    Each API key is generated specifically for a particular service. 

    If you receive an API key for one service (e.g., Specialized S-Connect), it should not be used for a different service (e.g., Bike Rental Manager). If you wish to use an API key for a new purpose or a different service provider, you must contact the Support Team to request a new API key.

    API Keys should be treated like a password to Cloud POS. Only share your API key with trusted partners and colleagues. 

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