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    Using the Modify Item Detail Wizard to make bulk changes to items

    In the Cloud POS Back Office, there are several Wizards to allow you to make bulk changes to the items in your database. 

    The Modify Item Detail Wizard allows the user to:

    Search and filter by Make changes to
    Item type Description
    Item code Barcode Description
    Description Notes
    Price (any) Department / Category
    Price changed (any price) Brand
    Cost Gender
    Stock on hand Season
    Supplier Tax Rate
    Brand Active / Inactive status
    Season Enter Price at POS status
    Gender QTY entry not allowed at POS status
    Department / Category Item not discountable status
    Active Status Allow on purchase order status
    Bin location Packed / item weight
    Enter Price at POS status Label print mode
    QTY entry not allowed at POS status Link to SIM
    Item not discountable status MSRP Changed
    Allow on purchase order status Date Created
    Tax Rate Do Not Order
    Label print mode Commodity Code
    Packed / item weight Country of Origin
    Commodity Code  

    Prices can be changed within the pricing wizard. Learn how here.

    Wizards are found in the Cloud POS Back Office menu, under the Create & Manage Items section:

    Select the Modify Item Detail Wizard.

    You have several options for how to add the items you wish to modify into the wizard:

    If you use the Search and Select Items option, use the filters, type in any of the fields and click Apply

    Once you have found the required items, you can add them individually or add all searched using the tick box in the top left:


    Adding columns

    You can add more search columns to the grid. Click the ‘Show Column Select’ button in the top left of the screen, and then drag and drop extra columns into the grid. You can also use this to remove columns from the grid.



    Once you have selected your range of items, click Edit Items at the bottom of the page to move on to the edit screen. 

    On this screen, you can edit items individually, by typing into the grid:

    Alternatively, you can make changes in bulk using the Modify All buttons:


    Importing a file

    If you already know the items you wish to update, you can import an Excel file of the items and create a wizard.  This option removes the need to search for the items and allows you to make your pricing updates in Excel rather than Cloud POS.

    To use this feature, select the Import Items & Create Wizard.

    You can import a maximum of 10,000 records per import.

    The columns that must be in the file are:

    Barcode Description
    Department And Category
    Tax Rate
    Must Enter Price At POS
    Quantity Entry At POS Not Allowed
    Item Not Discountable At POS
    May Not Be Placed On Purchase Order
    Not Available From Supplier
    Commodity Code
    Label Print Mode
    Commission Mode
    Commission Percentage
    Linked To Sim
    Country Of Origin
    Packed Weight (Grams)
    Item Weight (Grams)

    To aid you in this process, you can click Generate Empty Template, and this will allow you to download an Excel file which is pre-populated with the mandatory column headers.

    Codes can be either Item Lookup Codes, Supplier Part Codes or Barcodes (Aliases), but they must exist in the database.  Every column you do not wish to change can be left blank as necessary, to indicate that its value should not be updated.

    When you have prepared your file, click on the Browse button to locate it, then click Upload.

    Once the file has uploaded, click View Wizard.

    You'll now see a grid of the items you've imported.  You can use the functionality on the page to make any necessary adjustments.

    Committing your changes 

    Regardless of which method you used to create the wizard, once you are happy with the changes, you'll need to commit them.

    If you've made any adjustments within the grid, you'll need to click Save Changes.  The button will be greyed out if there are no changes to save.

    If you would like to schedule the wizard to run at a particular date and time, you have the option to do so:

    At this stage, you have the option to update the matrix parents of the items in your wizard, and all items within those matrixes:


    Once you've saved any changes, click Commit Changes.  The Commit Changes button will be greyed out if there are unsaved changes:


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