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    What is the best way of accounting for workshop consumables?

    If you use products from stock within the workshop and do not charge these to a customer, these products will need to be accounted for.  Our suggested way to do this is:

    1)  From the main menu in Cloud POS backoffice, go to Create & Manage Items, then Suppliers;

    2)  Click on New, and create a supplier called Workshop.  Click Update to save your changes.

    3)  Any items that you are going to allow staff to use as consumable in the workshop should have Workshop assigned as a secondary supplier.  This needs to be done on an item by item basis, as it is not possible to use a Wizard to set a secondary supplier.  See the Related Articles for guidance on how to do this.

    4)  Use the Transfer to Supplier function to create a transfer out of the system to the workshop.  See the Related Articles for guidance on how to do this.

    5)  Make sure whenever staff remove an item from the shop to be used as a consumable, they add the item to the Transfer Out you have created in Step 4.

    6)  Stick to a schedule of checking and committing a Transfer Out once a week or more often.  Once a transfer is committed, make sure you create another one for the next period.

    This process will mean you have an accurate record of all products used in store without negatively affecting your margin.  It also gives you the ability to monitor the products that are being used.

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