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    How do I create and manage Standard Items?

    There are five different types of item used with Cloud POS.  These are:

    Standard - Use for standalone items. They can later be incorporated into a Matrix for variations.;

    Matrix Parent - Use for creating related items with variations like size.;

    Serialised - Use for items which have unique identifying codes (serial numbers). This serial number can be tracked after an item is sold;

    Non Inventory - Use for items which have no stock management requirements (like Services).  These items do not need to be booked into stock and their stock levels will never deplete; 

    Assembly - Use for creating bundle deals and service packages from other existing items in the system.

    This article looks at how to manually create and manage a Standard item.  All items are created and managed within the back office menu of Cloud POS.

    NOTE:  Before starting this process, think carefully about whether the items you plan to create might be better suited as part of a matrix item.  If you intend to create items that are different sizes of the same product, for example, then a matrix item could be a better choice.  See the Related Articles for guidance on how to create a matrix item.


    1)  From the main menu in Cloud POS backoffice, select Create & Manage Items and then Items:

    2)  Select Create New Item, then select Standard from the drop down menu, and click the Create button:

    Editing an item

    1)  From the main menu in Cloud POS backoffice,  select Create & Manage Items and then Items;

    2)  Using the search functionality, locate the item that you wish to edit;

    3)  Click Edit next to the item you wish to change, and make the required changes to any of the fields;

    4)  Scroll to the foot of the page and click Save.  You will be returned to the item search page.

    Deleting an item

    Items cannot be deleted, only made inactive.  Inactive items will not appear in the POS Item Search.

    1)  From the main menu in Cloud POS backoffice,  select Create & Manage Items and then Items;

    2)  Using the search functionality, locate the item that you wish to make inactive;

    3)  Click Edit next to the item you wish to change, and untick the 'Active' check box;

    4)  Scroll to the foot of the page and click Save.  You will be returned to the item search page.

    NOTE:  Items can be deactivated in bulk using the SIM Wizard or the Items wizard.

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