Assembly items allow you to group a number of products together under one code, making it easier to add a number of items to the transaction screen in one go.
Stock is not associated with the Assembly code. Stock is dealt with as if you were adding each of the items within the assembly to the transaction separately, so you could add an assembly to a transaction even though some of the items do not have stock against them. In this situation, the system will warn you that the individual item is not in stock.
Creating an Assembly
1) Under the main menu in Cloud POS backoffice, select Items.
2) When on the item search screen, click 'New' and select Assembly from the list. Then click create:
3) Assign your assembly a lookup code, description and a department:
4) To add items to the assembly, click the Add Items button, then use the filters to find the required items and tick to select. Click Add Item(s).
5) With items selected you can change the quantity of each component to be added to the transaction. You can also choose to change the price of the items to offer specific pricing per item. Simply click edit next to each item line:
6) You also have options to have a customised overall price for the assembly. In the example below, we have set the price for the assembly to be £20. This is, therefore, giving the customer a discount when they purchase this assembly. The system will share the discount out across each of the items within the assembly:
7) Once the steps above have been completed, click the Save and Return to Full Item List button.
The assembly item will now be ready to sell.
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