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    Cloud POS // What's in the March 2024 release?

    We are updating Cloud POS, here are the details of what  to expect from this release:

    POS 2.0 Transition Complete

    Following a successful transition period allowing access to both POS 1 and POS 2.0 for training and feedback purposes, we're now removing access to POS 1 as we fully embrace the new POS 2.0 user interface and all the benefits it has to offer. 

    Expanded SIM Import Functionality  *Requested by users via our Feedback Forum*

    We've broadened the scope of our SIM import functionality, facilitating a smoother setup process for your items within Cloud POS.

    Users with appropriate access levels can now import items from SIM across various key areas in both the Back Office and the POS, including the Item Search, Advanced Item Search, Purchase Order Item Search, and POS Item Search.

    This enhancement streamlines the SIM item import process, eliminating the need for users to first identify whether an item exists and then navigate to the SIM basket for searching. 

    We've simplified the SIM import by removing the requirement to select a supplier before importing items.


    Ability to send images via text message. *Requested by users via our Feedback Forum*

    In response to popular demand, we've added the ability to send image links via text message directly through POS and the Workshop Module. Simply upload your chosen image and we will generate a link to include in your message. 

    Options to convert quotes expanded  *Requested by users via our Feedback Forum*

    Based on user requests, we've removed restrictions for converting quotes to different order types. Quotes can now be converted directly to Workshop Jobs and Layaways.


    New Features

    • You can now add internal notes to orders from within the edit order control in POS, these notes are separate to the order comment and so will not appear on receipts.
    • The Courier booking view now includes an item summary, giving users the information they need when booking a service. 


    • Customer records will now update with new contact details from eCommerce orders when orders are downloaded, ensuring up-to-date information across platforms.
    • The register name has been added to header information in the POS allowing users to quickly identify which register they are using.
    • The change calculator is now supported in additional currencies. 
    • The text message input now dynamically expands in height based on entered text.
    • The quantity limit per transaction line has been extended to 9999.
    • For Sales Tax groups, the recall order grid order total is now inclusive of tax.
    • When creating a serviced item via the POS, it will now be automatically selected.
    • Hover text for each navigation option has been improved to include clear explanations of functionality.
    • The transaction summary display has been improved on various screen sizes.
    • Error handling for CitrusPay payment links has been improved. 
    • The CUSTOMERREWARDSDEPOSIT line item can no longer be manually added to a transaction. 

    Bug Fixes

    • We've fixed an issue which prevented returning a transaction by card when the deposit of an order had covered the final balance.
    • The Finance tender is now prepopulated correctly for eCommerce orders.
    • eBay and Amazon tenders are now prepopulated as expected.
    • We've fixed an issue where the deposit required against an order was not updating when further items were added.
    • DPD Classic shipments can now be created from within Cloud POS 2.0.
    • DPD Ship to Shop shipments can now be created from within Cloud POS 2.0.
    • A scenario where a reason code required error was shown when no reason code was required, has been fixed.
    • We've resolved an issue causing the POS to be unresponsive when trying to add a serviced item if the service item already existed.
    • We've fixed an issue where slow internet speed could unintentionally allow the creation of the same customer multiple times.
    • Browsers will no longer prompt to save partial credential details entered on the login page.
    •  Updating details from the customer communications action panel now checks for existing customers.

    Back Office 


    •  Work Orders have been renamed as Special Orders so the terminology accurately reflects what our users are doing in the system and remove the ambiguity between a Work Order and a Workshop Job.
    • Added support for various Canadian tax setups, ensuring compliance with regional tax regulations.
    • Improvements have been made to error logging, helping to facilitate issue resolution within the support team.
    • The next available date shown on “Book My Bike In” now excludes dates when the shop is closed.

    Bug Fixes

    • Measures have been implemented to prevent the occurrence of duplicate Amazon and eBay orders downloading into POS, ensuring data accuracy and integrity.
    • We've fixed an issue where modifiers on page 2 of the task pad setup page could not be deleted.
    • We have enhanced the process of customer account statements sends to prevent timeouts.
    • Adjustments to gift voucher expiry dates will now correctly set the expiry time to midnight, regardless of the time zone.



    • Revised the wording of the deposit on receipts to reduce ambiguity between deposits taken and deposit remaining on orders.

    Bug Fixes 

    • A divide-by-zero error that could occur during the loading of receipts has been fixed. 
    • We've addressed an issue where 40-column receipts printed via the Workshop Module did not accurately display fully picked-up lines on partially picked-up orders.
    • Ensured that the "Remaining Balance" displayed on 40-column receipts mirrors the actual balance left to pay.


    Bug Fixes

    • Customers in Ireland will no longer be incorrectly marked as tax-exempt in POS when orders are shipped from Northern Ireland, ensuring accurate tax calculations.



    • Historical Item Wizard Clean up: Item Wizards will no longer be retained past 3 months. Wizards older than 3 months will now be deleted (regardless of their status) unless scheduled for a future date. This change has been made to optimise system performance by freeing up storage for historical records. 

    Bug Fixes

    • Addressed an issue that prevented file uploads to a revalue cost wizard when the cashier language was set to German.



    • The character length of the serial number field has been increased to 30 characters to accommodate longer serial numbers.
    • We've reduced the amount of data being loaded on the item page, resulting in an improved page load speed.

    Purchase Order


    • We've added validation for cost prices in Purchase Orders and Transfers. A warning will now be displayed when the price is lower than the cost, ensuring accurate pricing and preventing human error.

    Bug Fixes

    • An issue where items with double quotation marks could not be added to Purchase Orders has been fixed.

    Stock Takes

    Bug Fixes 

    • Performance improvements have been made to prevent timeouts experienced when loading the stock take grid.

    Workshop Module 

    Bug Fixes 

    • We've fixed an issue where the days of the week remained in the group language in the Workshop Module instead of reflecting the cashier's preferred languages.

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