Citrus-Lime Knowledge Base

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    eCommerce // Hotpatch - 31st May 2023

    We are updating Citrus-Lime eCommerce and Cloud MT. Here are the details of what's in this release:

    Citrus-Lime eCommerce

    Bug Fixes

    • We have fixed an issue that caused a slight possibility of overselling through eBay.
      • This issue only affected retailers who:
        • Have multiple stores,
        • Use the eBay integration for Global Stock, and
        • Had a negative stock level in one of their secondary stores. 
    • We have fixed an issue that could cause item pages to fail to load if an item in the same range had invalid data.
    • We have improved handling null values when sending data to Google Analytics 4. 

    Cloud MT 


    • Weights are now displayed in pounds and ounces for US Retailers.  
    • Multiple spelling corrections for US English. 

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