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    eCommerce // Update - 13th April 2021

    Cloud MT and Citrus-Lime Ecommerce new versions are being released on the evening of Tuesday 13th April. Cloud MT will be available immediately, and Citrus-Lime Ecommerce will be deployed to all sites the following morning. Below you will find a list of improvements and bug fixes that you can expect to see in this update.

     Citrus-Lime Ecommerce


    • Improvements made to the Stock Status provided to Google for organic listings:
      • In stock item= Instock.
      • Backorder item = Instock
      • Pre-Order item = PreOrder
      • Pre-Launch item = PreSale
      • In stock Matrix item less than 50% of attributes are in stock  = LimitedAvailability 
      • Out of stock = OutofStock
    • GDPR consent improvements - duplicate accounts creation via anonymous checkout now synchronises GDPR consent across existing accounts. 

    Bug Fix 

    • Clicking to reset password no longer produces a 404 error;
    • Returning from product page to a Find and Filter page which had multiple filters applied, no longer produces 404 error;  
    • Work to improve handling of eBay Order file. Periodically eBay send the file in a different format which prevented orders from downloading into Cloud POS. This scenario is now handled and download of orders should not be prevented;
    • Cart V2 improvements:    
      • Click & Collect wording no longer shown when not applicable 
      • Customer Rewards heading now hidden when not applicable 
      • Currency conversion for a Custom Product price is now correct
    • Background error on Custom Product pages fixed;
    • Finance margin calculation divide by zero error handled. A page error would have previously occurred in scenarios where a price or cost had been set to 0.
    • Merchant copy of order confirmation email now correctly shows  rather than ?
    • Write Review - a bug preventing scrolling to submit when viewing landscape mode on mobile has been fixed;
    • Bug fixed on FAQ's page meaning questions can now be submitted; 
    • Viewing customer order history on website no longer produces a 500 error.

    Cloud MT 

    Bug Fix

    • When reactivating an item you can now successfully choose to not update the activation date; 
    • Facet Navigation description - formatting now maintained;
    • Product Description - table formatting maintained; 
    • Fixed discrepancy between the Dashboard and the Inactive Items report, where the Dashboard was including negative stock levels in its items with local stock value.


    • Delivery & Handling page removed because features on it are no longer supported

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