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    eCommerce // Hotpatch - 12th November 2020

    An ecommerce update has been released today, and will be rolled out to all customers sites tomorrow morning.

    Here are the details of what to expect this release:

    • Multi-stage caching now enabled on Modular product detail pages
      • Our tests indicate that on average this results in a performance increase of 33% for non-matrix items, and 42% for matrix items
      • Caching will survive a site restart which reduces the load (and increases performance) after a site restart
      • Cache will be refreshed if time of last cache update greater than 1 hour 

    • Improvements in add to basket portion of product screen following customer feedback
      • Courier lead time now shown for standard products 
      • Ensured quantity available hidden on Pre Order, Pre Launch, Backorder-able products in all circumstances

    • Scrolling enabled when checking store stock locations to prevent stock availability being partially hidden on mobile devices

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