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    Drop-down Add to Basket on Find & Filter Pages

    Improve mobile traffic conversion with Add to Basket on FAF Results Pages

    In order to improve mobile-traffic conversion, we've developed an added upgrade to Find & Filter which further optimises QuickView for small-viewport devices (typically mobiles).

    The refinement of the Quickview functionality, has seen improvements of ~12% on bounce rate on mobile and further to this, mobile users went on to spend ~36% more after viewing the item on a Find & Filter page. 

    This is how Quickview looks without the dropdown functionality:

    It's displayed in a neat and clear way so the customer can see which options are available before continuing onto the product page to (hopefully) add the item to their basket.

    Whereas, with the dropdown functionality:

    The user is able to check item availability as well as checkout - all from the same page and without needing to progress onto the product page to add the item.

    Speak to a Citrus-Lime Sales Team Member for more info and upgrade pricing.

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