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    How do I enable Gift Voucher Functionality in Cloud POS?

    Gift Voucher Setup

    If you would like to start selling gift vouchers, you will need to go through a basic setup process, which is described below.

    From the main menu in Cloud POS backoffice, select Setup and then Configuration as below:

    At the foot of the configuration page, you will find a section titled Voucher Scheme.  Click the Create My Voucher Scheme button:

    You then need to Set your default Expiry Time:

    Once this has done, click the Create Scheme button.  You'll then see a message advising that the voucher scheme has been activated.  It is also worth noting that you can always return back to the configuration page and change the default expiry time if needed.

    The following items will have been created in your Cloud POS database:

    These items cannot be edited from their item cards.  However, you can edit voucher items via the Item Detail Wizard, with the exception of the Tax Rate, which cannot be edited.

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