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    eCommerce // Update - 23rd June 2021

    Cloud MT and Citrus-Lime Ecommerce new versions are being released on the evening of Wednesday 23rd June 2021. Cloud MT will be available immediately, and Citrus-Lime Ecommerce will be deployed to all sites the following morning. Below you will find a list of improvements and bug fixes that you can expect to see in this update.

    Citrus-Lime Ecommerce

    New Feature

    • Google Pay now available with Citrus-Lime Ecommerce! The popular payment option makes checkout fast and easy for customers, which helps to improve conversion and reduce basket abandonment.
    • Cloud POS Cart Share - a great new feature requested by you! you can now build a basket on your ecommerce site to forward on to customers to complete a purchase. Simply:
      • Build the basket with required products 
      • On the cart screen, press SHIFT - S 
      • Create a Link by hitting "Get Link"
      • Copy Link ready to send to Customers



    •  Mini basket shipping wording is now dynamic. It will only include the wording for free delivery if that is an available option:

    • Improvements made to validation when fetching data from Auto SIM. Preventing error for information which is missing but will be retrieved from Auto SIM (eg: Colour)


    Bug Fixes

    • Click & Collect collection date should now show correct lead time both on site and in confirmation email
    • Secondary Merchant email address will now also receive copy Merchant Order Notification email
    • Supported browser error message fixed to show correct browser information.
      This has fixed a bug where using Firefox on a Mac would incorrectly show Safari warning message
    • Date added no longer set incorrectly during Auto SIM update
    • Points estimate for Customer Rewards on the product page now calculates based off the current item price, not the MSRP
    • Due date set when downloading order now respects shipping cut off time


    Cloud MT

    New Feature 

    • Navigation set up now includes option to Allow Google Index. This allows retailers to provide Search Engine bots/crawlers bot an indication that the page should, desirably, be indexed in search results. This overrides the default action of Cloud POS Ecommerce which is to prevent indexing (page bloat) for similar pages.


    • Additional Columns added to Columns Chooser for Advanced Item search capabilities. You can now filter by page Link Type and if there is a Custom Product Template applied  

    • Chrome has always been our supported Browser for Cloud MT, however, we have now added guidance when using non supported browsers to explain this 
    • Filter Quick Apply Grid can now be scrolled horizontally using the mouse wheel (holding the mouse wheel button and moving the mouse to the right), this is to assist grid use when using smaller devices.
    • Facets can no longer be deleted if assigned to a Navigation or Related Item setting. Guidance will be shown explaining this.

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