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    Release 1 (January 2021) eCommerce - What's in this release?

    New DLL's are now available to be deployed throughout January 2020.

    Below you will find a list of new features, improvements and bug fixes that you can expect to see in this update.

    New Features

    • Support for V12 Finance Click & Collect

    NOTE:  For this functionality to work, V12 must enable it on the customer's account.

    Last four digits of the credit card used for the deposit payment will be posted to POS to allow for validation when order collected. 

    • Finance by C&C option Added to Merchant Tools

    The option to allow finance on Click & Collect orders has been added to Merchant Tools, and can be found here: /ssl/management/managefinance.aspx  

    • Detail Fast Implementation

    We've introduced a super-fast product page built from the ground up and tailored for speed. To accompany this, we've implemented a new, SEO-agency approved URL structure which includes a products Find and Filter department and product group which can help search engines crawl and index your site more effectively.

    We'll be rolling this out to sites in a staged manner during the early part of 2020.


    • Click & Collect for Ireland

    Improvements to the user experience to promote progression through the checkout.

    • Hitachi Finance

    Deposits no longer collected by the Citrus Lime platform.

    • Update Google Schema Mark-Up throughout the Modular Platform

    Schema Mark-Up updated as part of our ongoing development of the Modular Platform

    • Hide Click & Collect in the checkout when all locations are disabled

    When no click and collect locations are available, the click and collect options are removed in all places it appears in the checkout process.

    • Updates to Supplier Integration Module 

    Expansion of the Supplier Integration Module (SIM) is continuing apace, with many more brands becoming available on Auto-SIM. You can see a full, up-to-date list here:

    Technical Specifications for Giant and Specialized will now only be available by import through Auto-SIM or the import button in Merchant Tools, instead of being fully-automated. This will enable us to support an increasing number of suppliers and brands available on SIM.

    Bug Fixes

    • Add to basket button enabled when a chosen attribute is passed in the URL

    A bug where the add to basket button was not enabled when the chosen attribute had been selected via the URL has been fixed.

    • Search Functionality on Android Devices

    A bug where searching site on an Android device did not work has been fixed on our Modular platform.

    • Colour Group Thumbnail Images

    A bug where clicking multiple times on Colour Group Image caused the Product page to become unresponsive has been fixed.

    • Click and Collect - Store Not Picking up Main Location

    Now resolved.

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