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    eCommerce // What's new in this release? September 2019

    New DLL's are now available to be deployed throughout September 2019.

    The following is a list of new features, improvements and bug fixes that you can expect to see in this update.

    New Feature Developments

    • Google Customer Reviews Survey Opt-in - This is now fully supported and can be implemented to Citrus-Lime eCommerce
    • Coupon Integration with Google Shopping Campaign - Coupon functionality is now integrated with Google Shopping. The coupon description is used in the Google Shopping promotion title

    UI / UX Improvements

    • New Checkout > Special Instructions Field - This has been added back into the new checkout
    • New Checkout > Grammatical Errors Corrected - Some minor issues with the grammar in the new checkout have been corrected
    • ReCAPTCHA implemented onto the Contact Us form - This has been reintroduced to the Contact Us form to prevent SPAM

    Bug Fixes

    • Auto-activating Item in Google Colour Group - We have tightened up auto-activating items in Google Colour Group to prevent child products from being accidentally deactivated
    • First Data Dashboard - Improve order reference display in First Data dashboard
    • Finance Order Downloads - A bug has been fixed which was causing problems with Finance Orders downloading to Retail system
    • Error on Google Shopping Feed preventing updates - A bug has been fixed which was causing an error to appear intermittently on Google Shopping feeds and preventing them from updating
    • Apple Pay, New Checkout > HandleStandardPayment Logic flaw allows for order process without payment being taken - Fixed
    • 3dValidation.aspx throwing error when returning to site from 3D-Secure - Fixed


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