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    eCommerce // Whats in the new release? 13th October 2020

    DLL's are being released on Tuesday, October 13th 2020, and will be deployed to all sites the following morning.  Below you will find a list of new features, improvements and bug fixes that you can expect to see in this update.

    Citrus-Lime eCommerce Updates 


    • Newly updated items with a new activation date will now respect newest instock setting on result page and appear at the top 
    • Google shopping feed updated to include pre order as an availability option and to add availability date as an extra column in the file
    • Our enhanced Google Shopping feed has been updated to include 10 additional image links
    • Amazon and Ebay Order import process improved 

    Bug Fixes:

    • Product auto activated on non Modular site will now default to detail page format 
    • Issue with related product settings not being respected has been fixed

    New Feature:

    Coming Soon....

    Work is progressing on a new shopping basket and we cant wait to show you in the coming weeks.

    Cloud Merchant Tools Updates 

    New Feature:

    • Quick deactivation of Items from the Out of Stock but Active report 


    • Ebay Setup - now automatically populates with the default shipping template 
    • Error handling in select component improved to show clear feedback to the user 
    • ALPs pages can now have up to 20 values set 
    • Date modified now updates correctly on item if it is edited via: Ebay Item Settings, Amazon Item Settings, or Bulk Wizards
    • Background code improvements to Star Buys - there will be no visible change to the user
    •  Marketplace - Live Yes/No indicator
    • Redundant UI for Low Stock Notification removed from Cloud MT 
    • Guidance added when styling added that will not be maintained on the front of the website 
    • + symbol now allowed in image files 
    • Special Characters prevented form being used in the SEO page title for an item 

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