Citrus-Lime Knowledge Base

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    How do I select a register?

    Once you have launched the Point of Sale, you will be required to select a register.

    You will only see the registers which correspond to the store that your cashier login details are associated with.

    The Till in Use? column on the right-hand side of the screen will tell you if a colleague is already using that register. (If you select a register that is already in use, you will see a warning.)

    To select a register, click the Use button on the left:

    You will now see the main Point of Sale screen:


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Can I rename the registers/tills?

    Yes, absolutely. You can rename your registers in the Cloud POS Back Office. Navigate to ‘Setup’ > ‘Registers & Barcode Label Printers’, and then click ‘Edit’ beside the register you wish to rename.


    Can I add more registers/tills for my store?

    Yes. You can add more registers from the Cloud POS Back Office. Navigate to ‘Setup’ > ‘Registers & Barcode Label Printers’. Click ‘New’ in the top-left corner of the register table. 

    PLEASE NOTE: Creating a new register will add it to your billing plan and it will appear on your next monthly invoice.


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