Tax Rates are managed from the ‘Setup’ area of the Cloud POS Back Office menu.
This article explains how to create, edit and delete Tax Rates.
If you have variable Tax Rates by Department, Category and/or item price, and you are a Sales Tax user, you may also need to refer to the following article: How do I add and manage Variable Tax Rates?
Creating a new Tax Rate
Before you begin
All batches on all your Point of Sale registers / tills must be closed before you can amend your Tax Rate setup. If you have open batches, you will see a warning message at the top of the screen, along with a table listing your open batches.
For guidance on closing batches in the Point of Sale, please refer to this article: How do I close a batch with a Z Report?
1) In the Cloud POS Back Office menu, navigate to Setup and then Tax Rates:

The Tax Rates page is divided into two sections.
- The first section displays the Tax Rates that you assign to items in your database.
- The second section displays the Tax Components, which are used to build the Tax Rates. Tax Components allow you to create Tax Rates comprised of multiple tax elements (for example State, County and City tax in the United States).
When creating your new Tax Rate, you will need to consider which Tax Components it will include.
2) If you need to create a new Tax Component, click New in the top-left of the Tax Components table:

3) You now need to populate three fields:
- Enter a Description for the Tax Component, to allow you to identify it later.
- Create a Code. This could be an abbreviation of the Description.
- Enter the Component %. This is the percentage that this component will contribute to the final Tax Rate.
4) Click Update to proceed.

You may need to repeat steps 2-4 to create additional Tax Components for your new Tax Rate. Once you have all the Tax Components you need, you are ready to create the Tax Rate itself.
5) Beneath the Tax Rates table, you will see the button to Add New Tax Rate:

6) You now need to populate two fields:
- Enter a Tax Rate Description. This will be the name for the Tax Rate that you will see on item records and in Cloud Reports.
- Create a Code. This could be an abbreviation of the Description.
7) Click Save New Tax Rate to proceed.

Once you have saved your new Tax Rate, a table will appear for you to add your Tax Components.
8) Click New and a drop-down will appear. You can use this drop-down menu to select your Tax Components. Click Update to add each Tax Component to the table.

9) Once you have added all the necessary Tax Components, click Update Tax Rate.
10) You will see a success message to confirm that your Tax Rate has been saved. Click Return to Tax Setup to return to the previous screen.
Your new Tax Rate will now be displayed in the table at the top of the screen. The ‘Tax Rate %’ will be the combined percentages from all your chosen Tax Components.
Your new Tax Rate can now be assigned to items. You can do this on individual item records, or by using the Modify Item Detail Wizard.
Editing or Deleting a Tax Rate
Before you begin
All batches on all your Point of Sale registers / tills must be closed before you can amend your Tax Rate setup. If you have open batches, you will see a warning message at the top of the screen, along with a table listing your open batches.
For guidance on closing batches in the Point of Sale, please refer to this article: How do I close a batch with a Z Report?
1) In the Cloud POS Back Office menu, navigate to Setup and then Tax Rates:

The Tax Rates page is divided into two sections.
- The first section displays the Tax Rates that you assign to items in your database.
- The second section displays the Tax Components, which are used to build the Tax Rates. Tax Components allow you to create Tax Rates comprised of multiple tax elements (for example State, County and City tax in the United States).
If you are editing a Tax Rate, it is likely that you will need to begin by editing the Tax Components within it.
2) In the Tax Components table, click Edit beside the Tax Component you wish to amend:

3) You can now make your changes, whether to the Description, Code or Component %. For example, here we have changed the Component % for New York City from 4.5% to 4.25%. Click Update to save.

If you make changes to the percentage of a Tax Component, any Tax Rates using this component will automatically recalculate. Refresh the page, and you will see this reflected in the Tax Rates table at the top of the page.
You may also wish to adjust the Description of the main Tax Rate to reflect your changes.
If you need to delete a Tax Component, you must first remove it from any Tax Rates in which it is included. You are also unable to delete a Tax Component (or Tax Rate) that is set against an item or supplier or that has been used within a batch.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the ‘Store Default’ Tax Rate?
The Store Default Tax Rate is designed for retailers who have multiple stores across different tax authorities. For these retailers, their items will need to be sold at different Tax Rates depending on the store where the sale takes place. In this case, the ‘Store Default’ Tax Rate can be assigned to items, and then a default rate is set for each store from ‘Setup > Stores’. When the item is sold, the tax will respect the default Tax Rate for that location.
For example, I have two stores as follows:
Store One in County A - default Tax Rate for the store is set to 5.5%
Store Two in County B - default Tax Rate for the store is set to 6.25%
I set the ‘Store Default’ Tax Rate on items that require tax to be charged. If an item sells in Store One, it will be charged at 5.5% tax. If it sells in Store Two, it will be charged at 6.25% tax.
How can I sort out different Tax Rates for different types and prices of items?
If all your Cloud POS stores are selling items at the same Tax Rate (i.e. there is no variation in tax by location), you can achieve this simply by setting the required Tax Rates on the items. If the tax differs by Department/Category/price, you may like to use the Modify Item Detail Wizard to do this. For example, you could use the wizard to select all items in the Category ‘Children's Clothing’ and set them to use the ‘Tax Exempt’ rate.
If you have variations in tax by Department/Category/price and you also have variations by location, you will need to refer to this article to complete some further setup: How do I add and manage Variable Tax Rates?
Please note this only applies to Cloud POS groups who are using a Sales Tax model, including those in the United States. Cloud POS groups that use a tax-inclusive model (i.e. VAT) will not be able to access these additional settings.
Can I override tax for particular customers?
Yes. If you need to process a transaction for a customer who is tax-exempt, please refer to the following article: How do I process a tax-exempt transaction?