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    eCommerce // Update - 8th December 2020

    Cloud MT updates will be released on Tuesday 8th December. We have been working hard on the DLL’s for Citrus-Lime Ecommerce but these will not be released until the New Year  as we're in the Christmas trade period.

    Updates to expect for Cloud MT this time are:


    • Coupon Creation has been updated to remove option to apply to "Brand". This is because the same result can be achieved using "All items within a Find & Filter address", with the added benefit that it can work alongside Managed Google Shopping Campaigns to help improve conversion rate.

    • We have added more options to the condition types for eBay listings.  Before you could choose 'new' or 'used'. You are now additionally able to choose from 'Manufacturer Refurbished' and 'Seller Refurbished'. Allowing more accurate choice of product listing condition types for advertised products.

    • We have made improvements to eBay Categories, which can now no longer be set up to have Grandchild categories, due to eBay not requiring them.

    • Delivery Delay Wizard can now be used to revert the delivery delay back to 0 to disable this feature on a product once the delay has been rectified

    • We have made improvements to functionality used by our support to team, to help them better support our customers. 

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