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    eCommerce // Update - 24th November 2020

    DLL's are being released on Tuesday, November 24th, and will be deployed to all sites the following morning.  Below you will find a list of new features, improvements and bug fixes that you can expect to see in this update.

    Citrus-Lime Ecommerce 


    • Performance optimisations on product detail page, faster load times when traffic levels are high
    • Google Shopping Find and Filter (F&F) Coupon and Star Buys Integration - Only Available to Managed Google Shopping Customers
      •  We have resolved problems created by the Google System only allowing coupons to live for six months, we recreate coupons ID's at the start of each month
      • Starbuys Promotions now expire properly
        • You must set expiry dates on both types of promotions for them to upload to Google Shopping
        • Both of these features lead to significant increases in conversions and F&F Star Buys drive up average order value, and create promotions which help combat hard discounting which as we all know is the route to poverty
        • Contact Connor for help setting these up, they are difficult to setup due to Google's API for uploading data, but we'll do the hard work for you if you have a promotion you wish to launch
    • We've made extensive improvements to our search engine targeted product metadata on the modular platform.  Included in this is better availability recognition. Improved logical ordering of elements so pages are read by crawlers in better manner, find and filter now contextualises the products on-page and provides that list to crawlers. These improvements allow search engines to display "Rich Results", example below

    eBay/Amazon Integration Improvements 

    • Amazon Colour field added to the set up page, allowing you to specify the specific item colour. Behaviour moving forward will be:
      • Amazon colour set =  2 colour fields appear in the file sent to Amazon, the colour set on the Item (Eg White) and the Amazon Colour set on the Amazon set up page (Eg: Cotton White)
      • Does not have Amazon Colour = no colour appears in the file sent to Amazon
      • Note: for items already set up prior to this change we have set the Amazon Colour to be the existing item, ensuring the information provided to Amazon has not changed after this update.
    • Order download and despatch notifications frequency increased
    • Incorrect eBay Categories notification added to dashboard
    • Update Categories now possible on the eBay category page
    • New wizard added to replace eBay categories - this will allow users to quickly update incorrect categories as needed
    • Logging of eBay errors significantly improved. Missing category error will now appear in log

    Bug Fixes

    • Hassle free returns content now remains on product page 
    • Hitachi Finance -  Work to ensure successful navigation to Hitachi. This fixes a bug that prevented navigation to Hitachi in some circumstances when Gift Voucher, Coupon redemption & Customer Rewards had been used in the checkout. 
    • Pre Launch date no longer adds weekend days, and will display the date as set in CloudMT. 
    • Bug fixed where finance interest rate advertised coul display incorrectly (1330% rather than 13.3%) in the Checkout has been fixed 
    • Custom Product page now correctly deploys the correct styling for the page when a new item is created 

    Cloud MT


    • Upgrade of software powering Cloud MT to the latest version
    • Width of category list increased to be the full width of the page

    New Feature

    • Cut off time in displayed on product page and basket can now be amended via General Fields page in Cloud MT

    Bug Fixes

    • Saving of Meta Description now successfully saves to database and does not clear overnight
    • Duplication of Coupon Codes now prevented when editing a bulk coupon. White space at the beginning and the end of the code is now also trimmed

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