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    Google Ads // Set up a Shopping Feed in Google Merchant Center

    To set up a new feed in your Merchant Center, use the navigation on the left of the page and select Products to be taken to the page below, then click Create Product Feed:

    You will be taken to Step 1 of the feed set-up, which is Basic Information.  You want to make sure the Country of sale is set as United Kingdom (or your target country) and that Shopping Ads is ticked before selecting Continue:

    Step 2 is the Name and input method of the feed.  You want to set a relevant name for the feed to avoid any confusion in the future. Once you have set a name you want to select Scheduled fetch and then Continue:

    For the final step you will need the information provided by Citrus-Lime containing the Feed URL and credentials to access it.

    File Name - The file name can be identical to the Primary Feed name you set in the previous step;

    Fetch Frequency – This needs to be set as daily to ensure your Google Shopping data is kept up to date in Merchant Center;

    Fetch Time – All feeds update on our server between 3:00am-5:00am.  We would always recommend setting the fetch time as 6:00am to avoid overlap and mismatched data;

    Time Zone – GMT (Greenwich Mean Time);

    File URL, Username and Password are all provided by Citrus-Lime via email.  Once you have entered these correctly, select Create Feed.

    To run a fetch for the feed and begin populating your Merchant Center, you need to select the feed you have just set up.  In the example below, this is “CITR Shopping Feed”:

    Once the page has loaded, you will see Fetch Now on the right of Merchant Center.

    After fetching the Shopping Feed and populating your Merchant Center, you need to set-up delivery.  See the Related Article for guidance on how to do this.

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