Citrus-Lime Knowledge Base

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    eCommerce // Hotpatch - 16th June 2022

    A Citrus-Lime Ecommerce hotpatch is being released today, and will be rolled out to all customers tomorrow morning (17th June 2022).
    This includes the following bug fixes:

    • Mailchimp Basket abandonment e-mails upload failing intermittently
      There is an intermittent connection problem where Mailchimp are restricting the number of inbound connections on the new implementation. There is a small chance that this would cause some customers would receive a basket abandonment e-mail when they had in fact completed their order. We've taken steps to work around this, and prevent the limit from being reached.

    • VAT is not being stripped for non-domestic orders
      Orders outside the UK were not having the VAT reduction applied, removing the 20% VAT portion of the sale. Therefore transactions remained at full (including VAT) price on the order confirmation and when downloaded into CloudPOS.

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