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    How do I carry out a Card Not Present transaction using a Dojo terminal?

    A guide to handling a card payment over the phone

    This article describes how to complete a ‘card not present’ (CNP) card transaction using the integrated Dojo functionality.

    Before going through this process, please be aware that by doing a transaction in this way you are bypassing some of the standard security benefits of a ‘customer present’ transaction. This can mean that you will be liable for any losses if a transaction is fraudulent. If you are using the Citrus-Lime Ecommerce platform with CitrusPay Gateway, you can use your Virtual Terminal to take the payment instead, which will mean you do not bypass these security measures. Please refer to the following article for guidance: How do I access the Virtual Terminal? 

    Dojo also provide further information on taking CNP transactions on their terminals here:

    1) To begin a CNP transaction on your Dojo terminal, begin the transaction process as usual. At the Tender Transaction screen, use the integrated Credit Card tender type.

    2) Click Continue with Transaction and choose your receipt options.

    3) Click Complete Transaction

    4) You will see the transaction amount appear on your Dojo terminal. Tap the three dots in the top-left corner of the screen.

    5) Select Card Not Present.

    6) You will then be prompted to enter the card details (card number, expiry date etc.).

    7) You will then be prompted to enter the customer's postcode and the first line of their address

    Information from Dojo

    Dojo provide the following information about address checks:

    “Entering the customer’s address details during the transaction is important as this prompts an address check (AVS) – a recommended method in limiting exposure to a card not present fraud. If the address check does fail (it doesn’t match the payment card’s associated billing address), you’ll have the option to proceed with the transaction anyway or to cancel it. However, proceeding after a failed AVS check will expose you to a higher chance of fraudulent activity.”



    8) Click Pay to process the transaction. You should also see the successful payment confirmed on the screen in Cloud POS.

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