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    Customer Rewards // How do I update a customer's details?

    When a Customer Rewards account is auto-generated, it automatically uses the email address, as set on the customer's record in Cloud POS, as the Username.  When the username is set, this cannot be changed.

    However, customers can change their email addresses, and occasionally mistakes can happen and a typo can find its way into an email address.  This would mean that the affected customer would not receive email notifications from the Customer Rewards scheme.

    In these situations, you may wish to update the details that have been created in the Customer Rewards account.

    If you look at a customer's details in your Customer Rewards Management Interface, you'll see that certain fields are read-only and are greyed out:

    In the image above, the fields highlighted in blue are permanently assigned and cannot be changed.  However, the fields highlighted in red can be updated.  Changes to these fields need to be made on the corresponding customer record in Cloud POS:

    This information will then update the Customer Rewards account automatically.

    NOTE: This process will not be applicable if the customer does not want their Rewards account to be associated with the original email address that created the username for their account.

    In this situation, you will need to deactivate the original Customer Rewards account.  The customer will then have to create a new Rewards account using their new email address.  You may then consider awarding their new account the same points balance that existed in their deactivated account.


    Frequently Asked Questions

    When will the updated email address appear in Customer Rewards?

    You will see the Email field change in Mailchimp when either

    a) your customer next makes a purchase in Cloud POS (this could be an in-store purchase, or the tender of an online order),


    b) you set the Customer Rewards card number on their account.

    Both of these actions will trigger an update of the account information between the Back Office and Customer Rewards.


    How do email address changes affect Mailchimp?

    If you are using the Citrus-Lime Mailchimp integration with your Ecommerce site, then points balances from Customer Rewards are included in your Mailchimp contact records.

    If you change a customer's email address in Cloud POS (which in turn updates the Email field in their Customer Rewards account), a new record will be created for them in your Mailchimp audience. 

    This new record will be their ‘live’ contact record in Mailchimp going forwards. It will be updated with their Customer Rewards points balance and a ‘Rewards Last Seen’ date. It will also continue to track the customer's Cloud POS purchase history and contact details.

    The ‘old’ Mailchimp record (associated with the original email address) will cease to be updated from Customer Rewards and Cloud POS. You can expect to see an outdated points balance on that old record and a lapsed ‘Rewards Last Seen’ date.



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