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    Transferring stock between store locations

    Store to Store Transfers

    This article describes the process of transferring stock from one store to another, if you have more than one store within your Cloud POS group..

    From the main menu in Cloud POS Backoffice, select Purchasing & Transfers, then Transfers:

    This will take you to the main Transfers page; from here click New in the top left, and this will open the Create Transfer page, as below:

    Select Store to Store, then enter the store stock is going 'From' and 'To' within the dropdowns.

    You can create the transfer using the options shown below.  These options are similar to those available when creating a Purchase Order:

    You then have the ability to restrict the Transfer so that it will only add items on where there is enough on hand stock at the sending store to fulfil the request:

    Once you have selected your Transfer creation options, enter a title and then click the Create Transfer(s) button.  You will then see a hyperlink that will direct you to the Transfer List:

    Click Edit Items to enter the Transfer.  From here you can review items that have been added, and/or you can use the Add Items To Transfer and / or Quick Scan Items to populate the transfer:


    Once you have populated the transfer with the items you require, click the Mark As Placed button on the bottom right. This marks the transfer as ready to be issued/sent.

    You will see a hyperlink at the top of the screen that will take you directly to the Goods Out screen where you can issue the stock.  You have a number of ways marking the items as issued:

    1. Manually adjust the quantity issued against each item in the Qty Issued Today column.

    2. Click the Issue All button which changes the Qty Issued Today to match the Quantity on the order (please not this will not adjust quantity issued for serialised items).

    3. For serialised items you can click the View or Add buttons to select or add a serial number for the item. This will change the quantity issued to match the number of serial numbers added.

    Once all stock is issued you can then click the Commit button.  You will then see a prompt asking you to confirm that you wish to transfer the stock. Click Yes to proceed.  This is the point at which you are marking all the stock as having left the sending store.

    When the receiving store takes delivery of the transfer they will need to go to the Goods In section and go through the process as illustrated below, receiving rather than issuing the stock.  Once they have conducted the Goods In process, the stock level will update at the receiving store.

    Goods In:

    Receiving the stock:

    If you wish to print the transfer at any stage, select the Print Transfer button.  You will then be presented with the option to select how you would like the items on the transfer to be ordered, i.e., by Item Lookup Code, by Brand, etc.  Select the preferred option and click Print Transfer again.

    If not all of the stock on the original transfer is received at this point, a child transfer will be created for the remaining items.  This process will continue until all items on the original transfer are received.

    IMPORTANT NOTES:  When a Store-to-Store transfer has been issued by the sending store at the Goods Out stage, this will create a corresponding transfer-in at the receiving store.  This transfer-in cannot be deleted.  If the transfer has been issued in error, you'll need to receive the goods and then create another store-to-store transfer to return them back to stock at the issuing store.

    In some situations, items may be included on a transfer out to a store in error, or you may find a scenario where the receiving store no longer requires the items that remain on a child transfer.  In this instance, you may decide to delete the child transfer before issuing it, on the basis that it is no longer needed. 

    You need to be aware that this does not automatically return the items into stock at the issuing store.  You will need to perform a stocktake on those specific items at the issuing store to put items back into stock.

    As such, if you try to delete a child transfer, you'll see the following warning:

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