This guide is for Cloud POS users in the United Kingdom
If you are a US retailer, please refer to this article instead: How do I link Cloud POS to my QuickBooks account? (US)
Before you start…
If you would like to integrate Cloud POS with your QuickBooks account, you require the following:
- A Pro Cloud POS licence for one of your registers.
If you are not sure if you already have this level of licence, please contact your Success Team.
- The security level ‘Administrator’ for your Cloud POS login.
This will allow you to access the setup area.
- An API Key for use with QuickBooks.
This can be found on the ‘Setup’ > ‘Configuration’ page in the Cloud POS Back Office. If you do not have an API Key for use with QuickBooks, please refer to this article to request one.
- A QuickBooks ‘Plus’ or ‘Advanced’ account for QuickBooks Online. Please note that the integration does not support QuickBooks Desktop.
Once you have this in place, you are ready to get started.
Preparing your QuickBooks account
Before you link Cloud POS to QuickBooks, there are a few settings that need checking/amending in your QuickBooks account. This will allow Cloud POS to transfer data to your QuickBooks account successfully.
1. Click into the Settings area, then click Accounts and settings.

2. Click into the ‘Company’ section. Make sure that the ‘Company address’ matches the address of your store in Cloud POS. You can edit this address if needed.

3. Click into the ‘Sales’ section. Here, you need to:
- Set Shipping to On.
- Set Custom transaction numbers to On.

4. Click into the ‘Expenses’ section. Click the edit icon for Purchase Orders and make sure that Custom transaction numbers is toggled On.

5. Click into the ‘Advanced’ section. Within the ‘Chart of accounts’ area, make sure that a Shipping account has been set. This is the account that you would like shipping income to be mapped to. It is your choice, but an account must be set to allow the integration with Cloud POS to function.

6. Also in the ‘Advanced’ section, under ‘Automation’, make sure that Automatically apply credits is turned Off:

You can now close the settings window using the cross in the top-right of your screen.
7. You now need to ensure your tax settings are correct. In the main QuickBooks navigation menu, navigate to ‘Taxes’ > ‘VAT’. If you do not already have VAT configured in your QuickBooks account, you can follow a setup wizard on this page.
QuickBooks also have a guide to this setup process, here: Set up and edit VAT settings, codes and rates in QuickBooks Online
Make sure that the tax rates in your QuickBooks account match the tax rates in your Cloud POS Back Office. This includes the 5% reduced tax rate. Click to Edit rates, as shown below, and ensure the correct tax rates are set to ‘On’.

Recommendation — Suppliers
The Citrus-Lime Support Team can ‘map’ each of your Suppliers in Cloud POS with a Supplier in QuickBooks. This means that Purchase Orders transferred from Cloud POS to QuickBooks can be automatically assigned to the correct Supplier. We would recommend that you check your list of Suppliers in Cloud POS and make sure you have a corresponding Supplier in QuickBooks, so that this mapping can be completed for you.
This is not an essential step. The integration has a default Supplier (called ‘Cloud POS Vendor’) which is used if a mapped Supplier cannot be found. However, please note that Purchase Orders cannot be easily assigned to a new Supplier once they've been transferred to QuickBooks.
Connecting your Cloud POS store(s) with QuickBooks
1. Visit this page:
2. Log in with your Cloud POS username and password.
3. Copy and paste your QuickBooks API Key from the ‘Setup’ > ‘Configuration’ page in the Cloud POS Back Office:

4. Click Validate Cloud POS API Key.
This will take you to a page where you can connect your store(s) in Cloud POS to your QuickBooks account.
5. Click Connect beside each store that you would like to connect to QuickBooks.

This will redirect you to a QuickBooks login screen.
6. Sign in with your QuickBooks login details.

7. Next, select your Company from the drop-down menu (this menu should list all companies connected to your QuickBooks account). Click Next.

8. You will now see a screen asking you to confirm that you wish to connect this store, which will share data between Cloud POS and QuickBooks. Click Connect to proceed.
You will now be directed back to the Cloud POS connection page. If there are any errors with the connection, you will see that the ‘Validation Status’ is ‘Not Valid’. You can click ‘View Errors’ to see the details. For example, if you have missed one of the configuration settings in your QuickBooks account, such as allowing custom transaction numbers for Purchase Orders, you would see that here.

Once you have addressed these issues, click ‘Validate Connection’ to retry.
If your Cloud POS store is successfully connected to your QuickBooks account, you will see that the ‘Validation Status’ is ‘Valid’:

If you have further stores to connect to QuickBooks, you can now repeat steps 5-8 for the next store in your list.
You're done!
You have now completed your part of the setup process.
Please contact the Citrus-Lime Support Team via phone or Live Chat to let them know that you have completed these steps. The Support Team will then complete the rest of the integration setup for you.