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    Which weight field is used for the Courier Integration Module?

    Which weight field affects shipping services?

    The Courier Integration Module uses the weight of items to help select the correct shipping services in your e-commerce checkout.  

    For this to work effectively, you need to have weights set against the items on your system.  To do this, in Cloud POS backoffice, go to the item in question and click on the Advanced tab:

    Scroll to the Shipping section on the page and you will find two different weight fields.  

    The weight that is used for the Courier Integration Module is the Packed Weight, as shown below.  Complete this field, making sure you enter the weight in grams:

    You can also use the Modify Item Detail Wizard to change the weight on a number of products at once, as described in the following article:

    Using the Modify Item Detail Wizard to make bulk changes to items

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