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    Cloud POS // Character restrictions for Item Lookup Codes, Descriptions & Serial Numbers

    Allowed special characters

    Item lookup codes on items have a character limit of 25. The description has a character limit of 255, which will be truncated to create a barcode description with a 30 character restriction.


    Be aware that Item Lookup Codes of 16 characters and above are unlikely to print correctly on barcode labels.  This is due to the barcode which is generated, being too long to fit on the label.

    If the barcode is too long, we will print the alias instead. Therefore, if you have a barcode that won’t print because the Item Lookup Code is too long, you can create a shorter alias and that will print on the label instead.

    Matrix parent item descriptions have a character restriction of 30 Characters, leaving 225 Characters for the child (component) description which will allow for a full 255 character description when created.

     The only characters not allowed in an Item Lookup Code or Description are:

    • !
    • '
    • £
    • $
    • %
    • ^
    • &
    • *
    • (
    • )
    • {
    • }
    • [
    • ]
    • ~
    • #
    • ?
    • ?

    There are no restrictions on the characters which can be used in a serial number, although serial numbers cannot be longer than 20 characters.

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