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    eCommerce // Hotpatch - 9th November 2023

    We are updating Citrus-Lime eCommerce and Cloud MT. Here are the details of what to expect in this release:

    Citrus-Lime eCommerce


    • We have listened to your valuable feedback and acted on it. Following customer input, we have reverted a recent change. Now, Contact Us emails will be sent from the email address provided in the contact form.

    Bug Fixes 

    • We've resolved a bug that caused the despatch delay to display incorrectly on product pages following daylight savings time adjustments. This ensures accurate and reliable information for your customers.
    • Landing page descriptions entered in the Facet Navigation will now show, even when a brand description is present. 
    • Navigation columns will no longer overlap on eCommerce sites. 

    Cloud MT

    New Feature 

    • The e-commerce team is working to reenable integrated Amazon order downloads, following changes and requirements implemented by Amazon earlier this year. The new integration will utilise a software supported by Amazon (Veeqo) and will require users to authorise the integration. In order to allow for user sign-up ahead of the full release of this integration, we have added a Veeqo configuration page into Cloud MT. If this affects you, please await contact from a member of the support team.

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