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    How do I continue trading if Cloud POS is unavailable?

    In the very unlikely event that Cloud POS becomes unavailable for a period of time due to an outage, there are some steps you can take to help you to continue trading until Cloud POS is accessible again.

    Accepting Card Payments

    If you still have access to the internet within your store, and you are using our Paymentsense integration to accept card payments, then you can reprogram your Paymentsense card terminals to work in standalone mode.  

    This means they work in isolation to Cloud POS, so you can continue to accept card payments directly via Paymentsense by manually entering the transaction value onto the terminal.

    To switch to standalone mode on the terminal:

    1)  From the home screen (Paymentsense logo showing), press the F4 button;

    2)  Enter the supervisor password (default is 123456 or 01483) and press ENTER;

    3)  Press F4 to turn Standalone Mode on;

    4)  Press the Cancel button to back out of the menu, and the terminal will restart in standalone mode.

    You will now be able to accept card payments by manually entering the transaction value onto the terminal.

    When Cloud POS becomes available again, you will need to revert the terminal back into integrated mode.

    To switch to integrated mode on the terminal:

    1)  From the home screen (Paymentsense logo showing), press the F4 button;

    2)  Enter the supervisor password (default is 123456 or 01483) and press ENTER;

    3)  Press F1 to turn Standalone Mode off;

    4)  Press the Cancel button to back out of the menu, and the terminal will restart in integrated mode.

    Recording transactions

    You'll need to keep a record of any items you sell during the outage period, so that you can account for these sales in Cloud POS once it becomes available again.

    The simple option here is to use a piece of paper to write down your sales and the tender type used.

    Once Cloud POS is available again, you can then process these sales through POS as regular transactions.  This will correct your stock and financials on the system.

    If you use the Paymentsense integration to accept card payments, and used your terminal in standalone mode during the outage, you will need to use an alternative tender type to 'Credit Card' when entering any transactions that were paid by card during the outage period.  Trying to tender by 'Credit Card' will cause Cloud POS to expect a card payment to be made to complete the sale, but as you will have already taken payment for that transaction via standalone mode, you do not need to take payment again.  A suggestion here would be to use 'Manual Credit Card' as the alternative tender type.  If you don't have this option, choose the tender type which you are least likely to use again during the day.  You will then need to make a note on the Z report when you close the batch, to explain the use of alternative tender types.

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