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    What are the main Point of Sale Functions?

    A summary of the different Point of Sale functions

    X Report

    The X report prints a report of money taken and completed sales at that point in time during the current batch. The X report can be run at any time.

    Z Report

    The Z report prints the same report as the X report. The Z report will close the current batch and finalise your total amounts for the current batch. Once a Z report is run you cannot make any changes to the batch that it closed.


    A Batch is a group of transactions since the last Z report. Running a Z report will close the current batch and start a new batch.

    No Sale

    No sale will cancel the current transaction. If you use the no sale function within an open Work Order, Layaway or Quote, the order will stay open but your changes will not be saved.

    Payout / Pay-In

    This function is used to record removing or adding cash to and from the drawer outside of a transaction. This may be used when there is an excess amount of cash in the drawer,to record petty cash movements, or to add change to the till.


    The journal allows you to find and reprint receipts from previous transactions


    Transaction types

    Standard transactions

    Standard transactions are the default for POS and are used to sell in stock items which are being paid for in full and taken from the store. When you tender a standard transaction you will be asked for full payment and the sale with be finalised.

    Special Transactions

    There are a number of transaction types designed to allow you to handle non-standard transactions.  Their key functions are the same, but the separate options can be used to help you differentiate and report on different types of orders.

    Features of orders:

    - Allow out of stock items to be added;

    - Will not warn the cashier if an item is out of stock;

    - Enable a due date for completion to be set;

    - Allow a deposit to be taken;

    - Demand a deposit if the system is configured to ask for a minimum deposit;

    - Transactions can be left open whilst items are ordered, or until a customer is ready to collect;

    - The customer can make part payments against the total value at any time;

    - Order must be paid in full before all items can be collected.

    Work Order

    Work orders are designed for holding stock of items that a customer wishes to purchase. You can set a due date and take a deposit. You must have a customer set to save this type of transaction.


    Layaways are designed for holding stock of items that a customer wishes to purchase. You can set a due date and take a deposit. You must have a customer set to save this type of transaction

    Workshop Job

    Workshop jobs carry the same features as orders, but are also linked to the workshop calendar. You can set a due date and take a deposit. You must have a customer set to save this type of transaction


    Quotes are used to list items and prices for a customer for future reference. Quotes can be left open on the system until a customer is ready to purchase or order the items. Quotes do not hold stock for the customer and deposits cannot be taken against them. Once a customer commits to making a purchase you must convert the quote to an order or a standard transaction. You must have a customer set to save this type of transaction

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