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    eCommerce // What's new in this release? 29th September 2020

    DLL's are being released on Tuesday, September 29th, and will be deployed to all sites the following morning.  Below you will find a list of new features, improvements and bug fixes that you can expect to see in this update.

    Citrus-Lime eCommerce Updates 


    • Improved logging to allow the helpdesk team to better identify issues with SIM Auto Activation
    • Amazon error logging improved to assist helpdesk with investigation of any issues that may arise
    • Logging of Payment Responses in the database improved 

    Bug Fix

    • When returning to a Find & Filter page from a product page, the filters you applied before proceeding to the product page are now remembered
    • Amazon orders with international characters - a bug causing the characters to not be shown correctly - has been fixed
    • Klarna instances of Klarna not being available to use incorrectly when Coupon, Gift Voucher or Customer Rewards used, has been fixed 
    • Klarna no longer attempts to load if there are no items in the basket
    • Klarna Button in Basket/Checkout should always be pink as per branding requirements 

    Cloud Merchant Tools Updates 


    • Item Total column added to the Order Summary Report 
    • Feedback message added should a grid fail to load
    • Improved logging to allow the helpdesk team to better identify errors generated by specific users 
    • Improved Logging for errors Auto Activating products

    Bug Fixes 

    • Star Buy discount information shown in Cloud MT for active promotions
    • Item Link on Customer Reviews now navigates to the correct product
    • Allow Backorder in Advanced Item Search can now be filtered 
    • A bug preventing a brand coupon being created in certain circumstances has been fixed 
    • Application error prevented when creating a Star Buy that currently has 0 active items 

    Customer Rewards

    Work to overhaul our Customer Rewards engine continues. Customer Rewards is an important tool for retailers both online and in store, and we are investing in keeping this product up to date.

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