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    Customer Rewards // How do I anonymise customer information in Customer Rewards?

    If one of your customers exercises their ‘Right to be Forgotten’ and asks to have their personally identifiable details removed from your Customer Rewards scheme, you will need to act upon this in order to meet your GDPR obligations.

    We have introduced functionality to the Customer Rewards platform which makes this process easy.

    When logged into your Customer Rewards dashboard, navigate from the main menu to Customers.  This will load the page upon which all your active and inactive Customer Rewards scheme members are displayed.

    You can now use the filters to locate the customer account which you would like to amend.  Once you've found the account, click Edit.

    This will open up the specific customer's account page.

    You'll see at the foot of the page a button titled Anonymise.

    Clicking this button will pop-up a window asking you to confirm you would like to anonymise the details on the customer's account.

    Click OK to proceed with anonymising the account.


    Anonymising a Customer Rewards account cannot be undone, so proceed cautiously.


    What happens when a Customer Rewards account is anonymised?

    Forename becomes Data

    Surname becomes Removed

    Username becomes data.removed<UID>@citruslime.com - where <UID> is the ID of the account, displayed at the end of the URL.

    Current Email becomes data.removed<UID>@citruslime.com - where <UID> is the ID of the account, displayed at the end of the URL.

    Postcode is removed.

    Blocked Notifications - all notifiers are disabled when an account is anonymised, so the platform won’t attempt to send notifications to this account.

    The account is set to be Inactive.



    This functionality only anonymises the customer's Customer Rewards account details.  It does not impact on any other personally-identifiable information which is stored elsewhere within the platform.



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